What We Believe

Our Mission - Become and Make Disciples

Our Core Values:

Love God,

Love Neighbors,

Serve Others

Our Guiding Principles.

We believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:  And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary:  Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried:  He descended into hell:  The third day he rose again from the dead:  He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:  From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:  We believe in the Holy Spirit: We believe in the holy catholic* church:  the communion of saints:  The forgiveness of sins:  The resurrection of the body:  And the life everlasting.


At Genesis, we follow spiritual directives to become and to make disciples, or followers of Jesus.  It is not an option, but a command to all who call Jesus “Lord”. We use our gifts and talents to fulfill Jesus’ command, “The Great Commission”, to help train and assist others to become followers whether it is next door or in another country. As we obey, we have comfort in the knowledge that Jesus is always with us.

The Love of God is the cornerstone of everything we do at Genesis.  Through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness, our community of believers seek a closer relationship with God.  We provide an atmosphere of support and learning for everyone regardless of where they are on their Christian journey.

Love for our neighbors is the foundation of Genesis. We display love and grace to all who come within the walls of Genesis by providing welcoming services and small groups.  We open our facilities to many groups and spread our love through missions.  As followers of Christ we show love and compassion each day and strive to help others as opportunities arise.

Serving others is one of the most profound ways to spread God’s love. God calls on us to provide for those in need.  Genesis is a church that is focused on serving others and provides many opportunities to serve the local, national, and international communities. When we do, we are providing others with a glimpse of the amazing power of God’s love.

Witness (Matthew 5:15-16).  Jesus commanded his disciples to be a light on a hill. The way in which we live our life as followers of Jesus allows our light to shine such that the love and grace of God can be seen in our community and the world.

Stewardship (1 Peter 4:10). God gives each of us the ability to be a blessing to others.  From welcoming guests to volunteering time to help others, we believe that our combined efforts will reflect God’s love throughout our community and around the world.

Fellowship (Matthew 18:20).  Here at Genesis, we gather for fellowship in many ways.  We gather in worship, in prayer, in praise, in study and for missions.  The Genesis family shares in the joy and friendship of belonging to our community as we celebrate God’s blessings.

Outreach (Mark 16:15). The act of reaching out to others is fundamental to Christianity.  We are directed by God to share good news of salvation, and our faith should be evident in our actions.  By connecting with people in our community and beyond, we become the hands and feet of Christ as we serve and witness to others.

Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer allows all of us to have an intimate relationship with God and it is through our prayer that we thank God for all he has given us.  Prayer allows us to share our concerns and innermost thoughts with God. Peace comes from opening our hearts to God in prayer.

Study (Psalm 119:105). One of the ways we live our core values at Genesis is through the study of God’s Word. For those who study the Word, their lives will show the love and blessings of God.  At Genesis we offer many opportunities for all ages to grow in wisdom and knowledge. The Bible say we will experience a delightful life when we do.

Worship (Psalm 105:1-3). As blessed and grateful people, we worship God through our actions, our songs and our prayers.  We do these things to show others the happiness God can bring.