Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

40 For 40 Challenge

Every year, during the forty days of the Lenten season, we encourage everyone to join us in donating 40 canned food items to the Dorcas Food Pantry (NO GLASS PLEASE). The Dorcas Food Pantry provides shelf-stable food for the food insecure of our community. You can deliver your items directly to Dorcas Food Pantry or simply bring them with you to church on Sundays.

You can find out more about our incredible partners, Dorcas Food Pantry, here.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Wednesday Compline at 6pm

This Lenten season, we are opening up our doors on Wednesday nights for a time of weekly peace and contemplation. Join us each and every Wednesday at 6pm.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Sift continues Tuesday Night Study

Sisters In Faith Together, our Tuesday night women’s Bible study, continues through the study of Amberly Neese’s Common Ground. All ladies are invited to join on Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

New Lift Series Starts On March 4th

Ladies In Faith Together will begin their new Bible Study on Tuesday, March 4th at 10am. They will be studying Laurie Short’s Romans 8: The Greatest Chapter In The Bible.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Kindness Campaign

As we kick off our worship series, Do Unto Others, we are challenging every church member to participate in the 30 day kindness campaign. We challenge you to complete at least one act of kindness each day for the next 30 days. We’ve gotten you started with our list of small ways you can positively impact those around you. Feel free to be creative and come up with your own acts of kindness!

-List 30 people and pray for one each day.

-Take a walk in your neighborhood and pray for each house.

-Leave the largest tip you can afford to a server.

-Write a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life.

-Send an encouraging text to five people.

-Write cards for a local hospital.

-Host a clean-up party in a nearby park or public area.

-Send a “Thank You” card to a local police or fire station.

-Pay for the person behind you at a drive-thru.

-Reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in a while.

-Give a parents night out to a local family by offering to babysit.

-Donate new socks and underwear to a local shelter.

-Write a positive review for a local business.

-Compliment five people.

-Surprise someone with flowers.

-Participate in a blood drive.

-Pray for local government leaders and write a note thanking them for their service.

Spread kindness, and let us know how you did it.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

LIFT at night interest

LIFT AT NIGHT -  LIFT (Ladies in Faith Together) are looking for women who may want to attend an evening Bible study.   These studies could parallel the LIFT Tuesday morning studies and could be held at the church or someone's home.  If you are interested, please add your name to the list in the church lobby.  For more information, please respond to Genesis UMC weekly email or contact Linda Binkley or Becci Monge.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Blue Christmas

Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for many people, as the holiday often magnifies feelings of loneliness, loss, and unmet expectations. For those who have experienced the death of a loved one, separation, or divorce, the season’s emphasis on family togetherness and joy can feel like an overwhelming reminder of what is missing. For those struggling with the pains of the holiday season, Genesis United Methodist Church invites you to join us on Saturday, December 21 at 7pm for a service dedicated to wrestling with these feelings.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Ladies Holiday Brunch

Ladies are invited to attend our annual Holiday Brunch on Saturday, November 16 from 10am-12pm.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Trunk or Treat

All families are invited to join us for our annual Trunk or Treat, taking place on Friday, October 25th at 5:30pm.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

New Lift Study

The Lift (Ladies In Faith Together) group is starting a new study, “The Authenticity Challenge” by Sarah Heath, on Tuesdays at 10am. The study will start on October 22 and end on November 12.

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Grief Share Support Group

Genesis UMC is offering a GriefShare seminar and support group beginning Sunday, September 8 for 13 weeks.  All in our local community who are grieving the loss of a loved one are invited to register for this support group. 

Griefshare will meet on Sunday afternoons, 3:00-4:30 pm, September 8 - December 8 at Genesis UMC.  Sign Up at There is no registration fee.  Registering on the site provides access to the weekly videos and other materials. 

The group will be led by the Reverend Karen H. Whitaker and Kim Kligerman, director of Care Ministries.

Questions? Contact

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

LIFT Fall Study Starts September 10th

Our LIFT (Ladies In Faith Together) study will resume for the Fall on September 10th with a new curriculum from Jennifer Cowart, Pursued. In Pursued, a six-week Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, we will explore God’s great love for us from Genesis to Revelation. We will see that God passionately pursues people who do not deserve His love, and we are those people!

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Adopt A Teacher

Are you looking for an opportunity to show God's love to others? Consider adopting a Kingswood Teacher for the 2024-25 school year. Show your teacher appreciation by sending monthly notes of encouragement. You are welcome to also send in a little treat or gift, if you so choose. Want to know more? Speak to Lynn Mull or contact Rob at

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Genesis UMC Genesis UMC

Communion Servant Training

Do you assist with Holy Communion, or would you like to? Tricia Hudson invites you to join us at 10am on Sunday, August 4th for a simple training session.

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