Welcome to our free ESL Program! We're excited to offer a range of classes to help you improve your English skills in our partnership with the Triangle Literacy Council (TLC). For students, here's what you need to know. If you are interested in volunteering as a teacher, tutor, or administrator, please scroll down to the bottom:

Genesis ESL Program

Why Genesis ESL?

1) Religion-Free Learning Environment

Our ESL program is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, regardless of religious background. While Genesis United Methodist Church hosts the program, we do not proselytize our students. Our focus is solely on providing English education as part of our commitment to "love God, love our neighbors, and serve others."

For those interested in learning about Christianity and church life at Genesis, we offer a separate Bible study program. Genesis United Methodist Church is a Christian community dedicated to loving God, loving neighbors, and serving others. We offer contemporary worship services at 9 AM, traditional worship services at 11 AM, and a variety of discipleship and mission programs throughout the week and on weekends. If you'd like to learn more about us, please contact us at office@genesis-umc.org.

2) Professionally Designed ESL Courses and Tutoring Programs

The Triangle Literacy Council, a professional non-profit organization for English education, manages the Genesis ESL program's curriculum following guidelines from the North Carolina Community College System. This ensures students achieve the best outcomes and allows us to assess their improvement. We also offer various tutoring opportunities by connecting students with our volunteers, both online and in-person.

3) Various Learning Opportunities

The Genesis ESL program is designed to support students' well-being and help them settle into their new environment by connecting them with local resources. For example, through our partnership with NCWorks.gov, you will have the opportunity to learn job-seeking skills. Additionally, you can learn medical terminology for scheduling appointments and understand insurance policies like Medicaid and Medicare through special sessions in collaboration with Blue Cross Blue Shield's Faith-Based Initiatives. The Triangle Literacy Council also coordinates with Wake Tech Community College to refer students, ensuring a consistent learning path.

4) International Fellowship Opportunities

Our program values diversity and inclusivity. In 2024, more than 80 students from 15 different ethnolinguistic backgrounds benefitted from our program. This diversity has fostered the building of international relationships and a strong sense of fellowship among our students.

  • Beginner and Intermediate Classes

    Schedule: Mondays and Thursdays (March 10, 2025-May 29, 2025)

    Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

    Program Curriculum: Immediately after the morning classes, in-person tutoring sessions may be available based on students' needs.

  • Online Classes and Programming

    The Triangle Literacy Council offers a variety of online classes and programming, as well as online and in-person tutoring. To sign up for these programs, please click this link.

Register Now!

The 2025 Spring semester enrollment is closed. If you want to be added to the waitlist, please click this link to be added to our waiting list.

Volunteer Opportunities

Would you like to join our team as volunteers? You may serve as a teacher, tutor, or other supporter. For more information and registration, please click this link. For the last Spring Semester, we had 15 dedicated volunteers.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, please reach out to us at esl@genesis-umc.org. We look forward to helping you achieve your English learning goals!